Circuit Breakers
AC / DC Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers for AC & DC applications. Certified to UL, CSA & VDE standards.
What do hydraulic-magnetic circuit breakers do?
Greater tolerance to the shock and vibration that’s common on rolling stock. They are unaffected by high inrush currents and will only trip at their rated capacity.
There are many options available to permit custom configuration to your application, such as integrated auxiliary switches, trip-curves and connections.
Auxiliary Switches
Auxiliary switches : 600 VAC.
In many applications contact wear due to the electrical load determines unit life. At maximum electrical ratings, the IAR/IUR/IER/CUR/CER can perform 10,000 operations at rated current and voltage at a maximum rate of 6 operations per minute.
Available from single pole up to 4 poles as standard, for 5 and 6 poles units are subject to availability.
Series w/ auxiliary switch
Series w/ auxiliary switch : 3,750 between main circuit breaker terminal and auxiliary switch terminal.
Shock resistant
Shall not trip when tested per MIL-STD-202, method 213, test condition 1 with 100% rated current applied to delayed units, except 90% current in plane 4, (i.e. handle down). Instantaneous units shall have 80% rated current applied in all planes.
Vibration resistant
Shall not trip when vibrated per MIL-STD-202, method 204, test condition A with 100% rated current applied to delayed units and 80% rated current to instantaneous units.
Series switch
Series, switch only : 3,750 VAC.
Dielectric strength
Dielectric Strength - Shall withstand AC voltage 60 Hz, for 60 seconds between all electrically isolated terminals as described below.
Ambient operation
Ambient Operation operates normally in temperatures between -40° C and +85°C.
Trip indication
Trip Indication - The operating handle moves forcibly and positively to the OFF position on overload.
Trip free
Trip Free - Will trip open on overload, even when forcibly held on. This prevents operator from damaging the circuit by holding handle in the ON position.
Key Functions / Features
Get in Touch
Rowe Hankins Ltd.
Power House
Mason Street
Greater Manchester
+44 (0)161 765 3000